Use of personal data
Each business, company collects by any means the data of its customers or employees, for the protection of which it is necessary to prepare the relevant documentation and ensure the practical implementation of data protection.
Our services in this area:
- consultation on the General Data Protection Regulation which has been directly applicable in all Member States of the European Union from 25 May 2018.
- audit of the Clients’ business processes by providing guidance on their adaptation to applicable law requirements.
- legal audits and checks on the processing of personal data. With the help of our IT partners, we can offer a comprehensive service of compliance audit.
- Assessment of data protection impact where necessary.
- preparation and review of clients’ documentation related to personal data protection (we prepare policies, procedures, records of data processing activities, agreements, privacy notices, etc.
- services of personal data protection officer.
- consultation on legal protection of personal data, preparation of internal documents of companies regulating the processing of personal data and performance of other actions related to personal data protection.
representation of the clients’ interests in disputes about the legality of processing personal data.
After the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation on 25 May 2018, the changes have been most observed by e-business. In the e-business sector, data is often processed on the basis of personal consent or agreement, so it is advisable, in particular, for shops and other bodies operating electronically to review whether the existing consent / agreement form complies with the requirements of the Regulation, to properly implement technical and organisational security measures.
Our services in this area:
- preparation of e-commerce agreements.
- audit of e-commerce processes with recommendations on their adaptation to the requirements of applicable law.
- consultations on the proper formalisation of “consents” on the website operated by the e-shop.
- preparation of privacy policy.
Disputes related to quality, terms and conditions of agreements
We represent Clients in pre-trial and judicial disputes regarding non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of the terms of agreements signed between Clients, unilateral termination or withdrawal of the agreement.
Our services in this area:
- negotiating the terms of the agreement with the parties thereto.
- preparation of claims, responses.
preparation of documents to the court for invalidation of the agreement.
Unfair competition
In 2020, the Competition Council acquired a complete set of tools both to conduct its own investigations and to assist investigations of other EU member states in companies operating in Lithuania. Amendments to competition law fully implement EU directive increasing the powers of authorities supervising the competition. The Competition Council has received even more powers, new grounds for fines have emerged, the law establishes the joint and several liability of the parent company. The trade sector will also have to adapt to the new Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, which will enter into force in November 2021. Its purpose is to identify prohibited practices in relations with suppliers. Violations are expected to be subject to fines of up to 1% of annual revenue.
Our services in this area:
- representation in disputes with competing economic operators for damage caused by unlawful acts of unfair competition.
- representation of the interests of Clients in disputes concerning the unlawful disclosure or use of confidential information, trade secrets or intellectual property.
- consultation on the application of specific measures for proper protection of the company’s trade secrets.
- representation of the interests of Clients in filing claims for the performance and termination of illegal acts of unfair competition or defending against such claims.
- preparation of agreements on the protection of confidential information and trade secrets, non-competition, negotiating the terms of mentioned contracts.
Sales, supply, commercial, service agreements
Our services in this area:
- preparation of sales, supply, services, etc., business agreements.
- agreement audits for agreements received from customers, suppliers, etc.
- consultation on agreements submitted by international entities for risk assessment under the national law of another country.
- examination of disputes regarding non-fulfilment of agreements, compensation for damage, repayment of the advance paid for goods.
Debt recovery
- we offer Clients regular debt supervision and recovery services in both pre-trial and judicial procedures.
- we carry out pre-trial and judicial debt recovery procedures throughout Europe and the CIS Countries (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine).
- we carry out the assessment of debtors both in Lithuania and abroad.
- we prepare European small claims, European orders for payment, procedures for blocking of the European bank account.